The organic and biodynamic labels certified by DEFRA’s approved list (Ref 1) are by far the most effective measurement we currently have to ensure the food we choose is good, not just for us but also the environment.  The food from organic farms should contain little or no harmful chemicals and organic plants should not be grown from genetically modified or chemically treated seeds. Such chemicals not only upset the life of the soil and the plants grown in it,  but can be directly harmful to us and/or confuse our bodies into irregular management; that in turn, is harmful.


If, however, the organic farmer is only planting monocultures, is overgrazing and is continuously damaging the soil by leaving it bare, or regularly digging it up, then long-term,  the ‘natural capital’ / environmental assets might well be diminishing.

There is also an issue that organic certification is expensive for the farmer. Many in fact, especially the smaller growers, find the costs too prohibitive. Many farmers too, would rather have the freedom to very occasionally, use chemicals, if there is a dire need.

Organic isn’t the only answer , but an organic farmer is further down the regenerative path than many.  Thus, conventional farmers are increasingly looking towards organic farming methods for inspiration.

What is needed is a trustworthy regenerative certification, of which there are now two in the UK: and These are relatively new certifications and so you are unlikely to come across them for a while.

In the USA, Patagonia and the Rodale Institute have launched a certification scheme called Regenerative Organic Certification which you may start to see on imported goods.  Regenagri is also international.

Ref 1)